Welcome to hijk.co.uk

the home of Advanced Parenting Skills

HIJK can help both parents and professionals when they are facing challenging family situations​

Working with HIJK has enabled parents to make lasting changes to their own and their child’s behaviour.

We provide support over the Internet enabling sessions to be accessible, flexible and individually tailored.

What happens when children become more than just challenging?

Most of the time parents do a fantastic job; but, there is no manual for parenting and there are times when every parent will struggle and have doubts. Children, by their very nature, will challenge parents in ways that are difficult to predict. This is normal and parents are usually able to navigate successfully through these episodes. However, in some cases, the process can tear families apart. There is sometimes an increase of verbal aggression within the home and this can spill out into physical violence. This is likely to happen ‘behind closed doors’ and parents will often feel ashamed or embarrassed to talk about it. We specialize in listening and presenting parents with ideas and options that can help at times of difficulty.

We call this Advanced Parenting Skills (APS).


Islay has been interviewed on a number of television and radio programmes discussing parenting and the Advanced Parenting Skills programme.

If you would like more information please either send an email to [email protected] or telephone Islay on 07718 750722

HIJK is based in the south of England; however, we assist families all over the UK via our web-based video conferencing system.
Click Here to read about some parents’ experiences of participating on an Advanced Parenting Skills programme.

Use the menu at the top of the page to find out more about our Advanced Parenting Skills course and if you would like to find out about the current costs and about a number of part-funded places (providing you with part-payment of the 12 session course) then click here.

Who is Islay?

For the past 23 years, Islay has worked extensively with many families in a variety of different settings.

Islay initially qualified as a nurse and moved into parenting support. Over the years, she has focused on how behaviour can affect the whole family. She is trained in multi-family therapy by The Marlborough Unit (London) and is now acknowledged as a parenting expert. She is a regular contributor to TV and Radio shows including the Chanel 5’s series ‘My Violent Child’ and BBC documentary ‘Blame the Parents’; she has also recently advised on storylines in shows such as ‘Coronation Street’. Islay has first-hand experience of many of the issues faced by parents as she is an approved foster carer and specialised in complex teenage behaviour.


[email protected]


Telephone 07718 750722

Find us

HIJK is based in the south of England.
However, we assist families all over the UK and beyond using via our web-based video conferencing system.

07718 750722

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